Meet Local Authors

Check out local authors who live or are from this area! We have diverse group of writers in the area and we challenge you to check out local offering.

If you are a local author who have ties to the Lakeland area, please tell us little bit about you and your work so we can add you to our list!

Tara-Leigh Severin - Tara is a children's fantasy author. Stay tuned for updates on her debut book!

Larissa Russell and Emma Deacon - Larissa Russell and Emma Deacon are author and illustrator of children's picture book, 'My Two Grandmas

Amanda Zimmerman - Amanda Zimmerman writes and illustrates picture books, juvenile fiction, and YA fiction. She is a busy author with many new books! 

Diane Mae Robinson - Diane Mae Robinson writes juvenile fiction. She is author of Four-Time Gold Medal Winning Book "The Dragon Grammar Book: Grammar for Kids, Dragons, and the Whole Kingdom"

Amanda Zimmerman - Amanda Zimmerman writes and illustrates picture books, juvenile fiction, and YA fiction. She is a busy author with many new books! 

Eileen Schuh - Eileen Schuh writes for wide range of authors. She wrote juvenile fiction, YA, sci-fi novellas, and even crime fiction! 

Michaud Brothers - Marc and Daniel Michaud are authors of black and white science fiction graphic novel series HΩME

Riley Quinn - Riley Quinn writes YA fantasy/suspense fiction. He is author of Lost Boys Trilogy

Eileen Schuh - Eileen Schuh writes for wide range of authors. She wrote juvenile fiction, YA, sci-fi novellas, and even crime fiction! 

Amanda Zimmerman - Amanda Zimmerman writes and illustrates picture books, juvenile fiction, and YA fiction. She is a busy author with many new books! 

Tom Mykytiuk - Tom Mykytiuk writes adventure thrillers. He is author of 'White Out' and 'The Beaten Zone'

Jaclyn Dawn - Jaclyn Dawn writes satirical fiction. Her debut book 'The Inquirer' is shortlisted for Best Trade Fiction at the 2020 Alberta Book Publishing Awards!

Tyler J. Sundt - Tyler J. Sundt writes medieval/sci-fi fantasy/horror. He is author of 'The Evil That Came From The Sky'

Eileen Schuh - Eileen Schuh writes for wide range of authors. She wrote juvenile fiction, YA, sci-fi novellas, and even crime fiction! 

Joan Marie Galat - Joan Marie Galat write non-fiction books for adults and children alike. If you are looking for non-fiction science book for children, she has your back

Dale Leckie - Dale Leckie writes scenic guide to most beautiful sites in our province. He is author of The 'Scenic Geology of Alberta: A Roadside Touring and Hiking Guide'

Carmen Kissel-Verrier - Carmen Kissel-Verrier is author of International Book of the Year Award memoir 'The Butcher Shop Girl'.

Christopher Raine - Christopher Raine writes lyrical or free-verse poetry. He is author of poetry collection 'Where the Grasses Wept'.